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May 28, 2020

PODCAST: Episode 7 - Returning to Work and Risks to REALTOR® Reputation

May 28, 2020

PODCAST: Episode 7 - Returning to Work and Risks to REALTOR® Reputation

Author profile photo
By Shaheed Devji,
Assistant Manager, Marketing & Communications
Author profile photo
By Shaheed Devji,
Assistant Manager, Marketing & Communications

Episode 7 of Open House by BCREA, Returning to Work and Risks to REALTOR® Reputation, features a conversation with Ari Indyk, VP Crisis and Risk at Edelman. With BC entering Phase 2 of its Restart Plan and Realtors and Managing Brokers beginning to resume work in larger numbers, Ari highlights some of the potential risks to Realtor reputation and provides tactical tips to help manage that risk.

This episode was recorded on May 26, 2020.

Show Notes and Links

Below is where you’ll find links to articles and websites referenced during the show. You can also use the times listed to navigate your way through the episode.

Final Amazon Echo Giveaway Announcement – 1:15

What’s New – 1:55

Feature Conversation – 3:50

Ari Indyk is Vice-President, Crisis and Risk for Edelman, which is a global communications firm that partners with businesses and organizations to evolve, promote, and protect their brands and reputations.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Ari and his colleagues have been working on the “2020 Edelman Trust Barometer” which is a survey conducted in 11 countries, including Canada, which explores trust in a variety of institutions like businesses, other organizations, and government, during the pandemic.

The results provide insight into what the public is thinking as a result of COVID-19 and can help Realtors and Managing Brokers keep the public’s priorities and sentiments in mind, assess, and manage their own reputational risk as they begin to return to work with restrictions being lifted here in BC.

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Author profile photo
By Shaheed Devji,
Assistant Manager, Marketing & Communications