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Mortgage Rate Forecast

Where mortgage rates go from here depends on how serious the US is about imposing punitively high tariffs on Canadian imports, and how Canada responds.

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Past Due: Expired Offers, Expired Contracts, and What To Do With Them #580

Missing deadlines in real estate contracts can lead to expired deals, and while some offers can be revived, doing so comes with risks and consequences.

Jun 10, 2021

What Does It Take to Be a Practice-Ready REALTOR®?

Jun 10, 2021

What Does It Take to Be a Practice-Ready REALTOR®?

By Katja Gallagher, Education Coordinator, BCREA

BCREA needs your input concerning the unique needs and challenges of new REALTORS®. Complete our Practice-Ready REALTOR® survey for your chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card!

BCREA has launched the Practice-Ready REALTOR® Research Project that seeks to identify opportunities to better support new entrants into the real estate profession to ensure they have the knowledge, skills and supports needed to succeed. Part of this research includes a province-wide survey.

As Realtors, you have a unique insight into what it takes to be practice-ready either from your own personal experiences, or in your dealings with new Realtors on the other side of a transaction. Your help in identifying the most important elements required in supporting new entrants into the real estate profession to be “practice-ready” will help inform how the profession can support new entrants on their journey while strengthening professionalism within the sector.

Upon completion of the survey Realtors will have the opportunity to enter a draw for the chance to win one of three $100 Amazon gift cards.

The survey will close on Wednesday, June 30.

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