Know Your Product: House Structures
In Know Your Product: House Structures, REALTORS® are provided with a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of residential construction including footings, foundations, floors, decks, walls, openings, stairs, roofs, and chimneys. This course’s special feature discusses the common wood-boring insects found in British Columbia, signs of an infestation, and the importance of using a professional exterminator.
By the end of this course, learners will be able to use essential vocabulary for discussing a house’s structure and features; recognize potential issues within a house that may have created or may possibly lead, over time, to a defect; and use the issues discovered to help establish a more accurate comparative market analysis (CMA). They will also be better able to help their seller clients make the appropriate property disclosures and help their buyer clients understand the pros and cons of any house they may wish to buy and why a home inspection is always necessary.
This course improves REALTORS®’ ability to knowledgeably answer their clients’ questions about a single-family home and to know when to refer their clients to the appropriate professional.
Know Your Product: House Structures, is available as a self-paced online or instructor-led offering. To see dates for instructor-led offerings, please see the current course calendar here. BCREA's full list of self-paced online offerings, including this course, are available via REALTOR Link® here.