Purchaser's Home Subject to Sale Before a Certain Date #198

BC Real Estate Association logo with the words "legally speaking" printed below

By Gerry NeelyB.A., LL.B. A common condition in an offer is that it is subject to the sale of the purchaser’s home on or before a certain date. In these circumstances it is the duty of the purchaser to use his best efforts to sell his home. Is there an additional obligation to accept the

Restrictive Covenants #197

BC Real Estate Association logo with the words "legally speaking" printed below

By Gerry NeelyB.A., LL.B The Land Title Act allows a developer who subdivides a parcel of land into lots to register a statutory building scheme which will be binding upon all purchasers and subsequent owners. The typical building scheme contains a number of restrictive covenants whose purpose is to set standards sufficient to create an orderly development