Chattels or Fixtures – New Test? #247

BC Real Estate Association logo with the words "legally speaking" printed below

By Gerry NeelyB.A., LL.B. A number of tests have been developed by the courts to decide whether an article is a chattel or a fixture, but the difficulties in applying the tests to specific articles continues. For example, signs rented by a former tenant and embedded in concrete, which however could be removed and sold

Water Licenses Under the Water Act #246

BC Real Estate Association logo with the words "legally speaking" printed below

By Gerry NeelyB.A., LL.B. The water supply for a newly-created lot came through a pipe from a spring on the parent property, whose owner had consented to the continued use of this water by the purchaser of the lot. However, the lot purchaser did not bother to obtain an easement which would have given him